Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Dr. Hawa Petro Tundui
Dr. Hawa Petro Tundui is a former Dean of Mzumbe University School of Business and Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Entrepreneurship since 2013. Dr Hawa holds a PhD in Entrepreneurship from University of Groningen (2012); and she has an MBA from University of Agder in Norway (2004). Her Research Interests are in Entrepreneurship, Gender, Marketing & Strategic Management
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Dr. George Mofulu
George Mofulu is a Lecturer in the Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, School of Business, Mzumbe University. His key research areas include; social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial resource mobilization, entrepreneurship education, youth entrepreneurship, and strategic marketing. He holds a Doctorate Degree in Enterprise Management from Dalian University of Technology, China, a Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship, and a Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management from Mzumbe University.
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Dr. Robert F. Makorere

Dr. Deogratius Kibona

Nicholaus Tutuba
Nicholaus is a PhD of Business Economics from the University of Hasselt, Belgium, and a faculty member of the Mzumbe University, Tanzania. He is specialized in Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing. His research interest includes rural entrepreneurship, governance of natural resources, innovation management, and sustainable agriculture. Currently, Nicholaus is working and researching in the beekeeping industry, agro-processing, and digital innovation.
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Simon Kitilla
Master of Business Administration in marketing (Mzumbe University),Bachelor of Commerce in marketing (The Open university of Tanzania), Certified Procurement and Supplies professional (CPSP)- Procurement and Supplies and Technician Board (PSTB), Advanced Diploma in Transport Management (National Institute of Transport), Certificate in Project management (Skill soft / AdvTech – South Africa)
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Kilumile Jerum William
Jerum Kilumile is a tutor working in the School of Business (SoB) at Mzumbe University, Holds an MSc degree in Marketing from University of Nairobi (UoN) and Bachelor degree of Business Administration in Marketing from Mzumbe University, Morogoro. Has been teaching a number of courses including Marketing Information Systems, Marketing communication and other Marketing courses. His Key research areas include: Digital Business Transformation, Digital Marketing, Strategic Brand Management and Green Marketing.
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Mr. Johakim John
Johakim John Katekele is a tutor working for School of Business (SoB) at Mzumbe University, Holds an MSc degree in Marketing from University of Nairobi (UoN) and Bachelor degree of Business Administration in Marketing from Mzumbe University, Morogoro. Has been teaching a number of courses including Strategic business management, Brand Management and other Marketing courses. His Key research areas include: Strategic Brand Management, Green Marketing and strategic sales Management.
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Mr. Samuel Mrisha
Samuel Mrisha is an Assistant Lecturer at Mzumbe University. He is centered in the Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. He teaches courses in Sales Management, Industrial Marketing, Customer service, Business Planning, Strategic Management and Consultancy Skills, Marketing Communication and Relationship Marketing.
He has attended various trainings in transformational learning, Course redesigning, electronic learning, Public policy formulation and business negotiations making him an expert in teaching, training and coaching in the business field through blended and face to face interactions.
He recently attended the “Entrepreneurship Seminar for Youth in Developing Countries“ organized by the Hunan International Business Vocational College and the seminar has further stimulated his quest for impacting business knowledge and creating positive change to students, entrepreneurs and business owners in Tanzania
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Department of Procurement and Logistics Management
Dr. Noel P. Mrope

Emmanuel A. Akili
Mr. Emmanuel Akili is an experienced member of academic staff and supply chain professional with more than ten (10) years of experiences in facilittating such courses as Supply Chain Management, Business Logistics, Inventory Managemenbt and Procurement Contracts Management for both undergraduate and masters programs. Together with teaching experiences, he also has had first hand experiences as a practitioner in private and public health supply chain management in the context of developing countries. Mr. Akili holds a Master of Business Administration - International Management from the University of Agder (Norway) and a Master of Engineering in Loogistics and Supply Chain Management obtained from the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program (Spain). Prior to that, he studied for a Bachelor of Business Administration in Procurement and Logistics Management and a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences respectively from Mzumbe University and the University of Dar Es Salaam both in Tanzania.
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Dr. Paulo M. Nsimbila
Dr. Paul M Nsimbila, currently working with Mzumbe University as a Trainer (Lecturer), Researcher, Consultant and authorized stock verifier in the areas of procurement, Commodity and Global Value Chain Analysis, Contract Farming management, Public Private Partnership, Public Procurement and Contract Management, Negotiation tactics, E-procurement and E-supply chain, auditing of procurement and contract management, Strategic procurement, National and International Logistics, Physical distribution management, Inventory management and control, purchasing principles and techniques, Storehouse administration and Warehouse management, Stock auditing & verification and Supply chain management in general. Apart from being a Lecturer at Mzumbe University, is an external Examiner and Moderator of various institutions (both private and public) in Tanzania. He has undertaken a number of Public Procurement Act and its Regulations training including negotiation skills and contract management in various organisations in Tanzania and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students since 2002 to date. Also, he has a practical experience of being a procurement auditor (consultant) for almost 9 years undertaking procurement performance (Value For Money audits) and compliance audit in public sector through PPRA (Since 2009 to date) and training consultant of PPRA as well.

Ms. Sophia Paul Juma
Sophia P. Juma is Assistant Lecturer at Mzumbe University, from department of Procurement and Logistics Management. Currently she is teaching undergraduate courses in areas of Procurement and Supply chain management, Procuremenet and stock auditing. She has nine years of experience working as a member of academic staff.

Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF)
Dr. Cosmas Mbogela
Dr. Mbogela is a Senior Lecturer, Researcher and Consultant working with Mzumbe University for the past 15 years. For all this time he has acquired a considerable experience in aldult training skills, Research and Consulting skills. He is teaching both undergraduate and Postgraduate students. He has supervised a number of student researches in the area of Accounting and Finance. Dr. Mbogela has conducted a number of Consultancies including those requiring knowledge and skills in training as well as those of advisory nature. These consulting assignments included those in Private sector as well as in Public sector to include MDAs and LGAs in Tanzania.
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Dr. Joseph Kiria
PhD in Management (The University of Hull, UK);Postgraduate Certificate in Research Training, The University of Hull, UK; MSc in Financial Management (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK); Advanced Diploma in Certified Accountancy-ADCA (Institute of Development Management (IDM) Mzumbe); CPA (T)
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Dr. Nsubili Isaga
Nsubili Isaga studied Accounting in Mzumbe University Tanzania (1997-2000). After obtaining her Bachelor Degree, she joined School of Business in Mzumbe University Tanzania as Tutorial Assistant. She obtained her MSc in Finance and Management at University of Central England, Birmingham United Kingdom in 2005. Furthermore, She obtained her PhD in 2012 with a thesis entitled ‘ entrepreneurial characteristics and the growth of SMEs in Tanzania’ at VU university, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Nsubili Isaga is a Senior Lecturer in entrepreneurial finance and the Director of Quality Assurance in Mzumbe University Morogoro, Tanzania. Isaga has conducts/ed and published various research, articles and projects relating to entrepreneurship and small business performance. Her main research focus is on performance of Micro, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with special reference to financing.
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Dr. Moshi James
Dr. Moshi James is a Lecturer in the School of Business, at Mzumbe University, Tanzania working under the Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF). She is currently the Quality Assurance Coordinator for the School of Business. Her specialization lies in Financial Reporting and Financial Management, with particular research interests in the Financial Management field and teaching interests in the Financial Accounting and reporting. She has authored and co-authored several internationally recognized publications in the areas of capital structure decisions, financial flexibility and financial performance, and taxation with regard to firms in Africa. She has a teaching and research supervision experience of more than 15 years mainly concentrated in the Financial Accounting, Financial Management and Financial Reporting in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
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Pulkeria Pascoe
Pulkeria Pascoe is an Assistant Lecturer in the department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business, Mzumbe University with more than 9 years of teaching experience in undergraduate courses. Her teaching and research areas include Auditing, Financial Management, Cost and Management Accounting and Financial Accounting.
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Kibhuli Mwita
CPA Kibhuli Mwita works with Mzumbe University as a Tutorial Assistant in Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF) at the School of Business in Mzumbe University. He has more than 3 years of experience in teaching undergraduate accounting and finance courses and conducting CPA Review classes at the main campus. His teaching and research areas include Financial Reporting, Management Accounting and taxation.
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Adelaida Seenga
Adelaida Barnabas Seenga is a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA-T) working with Mzumbe University as a Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF) from the year 2018. She has been teaching Accounting and Finance related courses and conducting CPA Review Classes. Currently, she is pursuing her Master's Degree of Science in Accounting and Finance (MSc. A&F) as financed by the Bank of Tanzania under the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Scholarship Fund.
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Mr. Oscar Mchaki
Mr. Oscar Mchaki is an Assistant Lecturer in the department of Accounting and Finance at Mzumbe University School of Business, having Joined the department in 2020.
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Mr. Emmanuel Mtui
Mr. Emmanuel Mtui is an Assistant Lecturer at Mzumbe University, administered under Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF). Has been teaching a number of Discipline including Public Sector Accounting, Public Finance, Auditing and Management Accounting.
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Mr. Nicholaus Masawe
Mr. Nicholaus Masawe is Assistant lecturer from Department of Accounting, Mzumbe University. He is teaching Taxation and Accounting related subjects.
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Mr. Francis Rilagonya
Mr. Francis Rilagonya, currently working with Mzumbe University as assistant lecturer, Researcher and Consultant. As academician he has vast experieince in teaching several subjects in the area of financial management and financial accounting. Apart from being a Lecturer at Mzumbe University, is an external Examiner and Moderator of various institutions (both private and public) in Tanzania. Francis has undertaken various reseacrh assignments in the area of Financial reporting; Socio-economic and Working capital Managemet. Also Francis has vast experience in undertaking consultancy assignments in the area of Risk Management; Financial Statement Analysis to Non-Accountants and Financial Recording keeping to Non-Accountants.
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