Department of Procurement and Logistics Management.
The Department of Procurement and Logistic Management is under the School of Business. The department hosts several Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes.
The Undergraduate programmes are Market oriented as have incorporated opinions and comments from different stakeholders that are Lecturers, Students, Public and Private Organization. Moreover, they offer students a tremendous experience of being attached into an organization for entire academic semester and conduct research thus enhancing the student’s research skills.
The Department hosts the following academic programmes
- Certificate in Logistics Management (CLM)
- Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (BPSCM)
- MSc Procurement & Supply Chain Management (MSc-PSCM)
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Our teaching mode includes lectures, seminars, group discussion, guest lecturer, field visits and videotaping.
The Department of procurement and logistics management does research and consultancies in public procurement, value chains management, logistics and Supply Chain Management
The Department strives for Excellency and we welcome you to be part of our community
Thank you.
Head of Department- Procurement and Logistics Management