Dr Ubena John's Profile


Mzumbe University,

Faculty of Law,

P.O. Box 9,

Mzumbe - Morogoro


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Consultation: Monday 11:00AM - 13:00PM

Office: Faculty of Law Building Office No. 21, Mzumbe University (Main Campus) Mzumbe Morogoro



Dr Ubena John is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, Mzumbe University. He is also the Head of Department of Teaching and Learning in Directorate of Quality Assurance, Mzumbe University, and the Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania and courts subordinate thereto. Dr Ubena has been teaching law for a decade. His speciality is legislative and regulatory techniques, in particular the design of legislative and regulatory solutions to address various legal and regulatory problems brought by emerging Information and Communication Technologies. Following his successful completion of his Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) studies, he began law teaching career at Mzumbe University in 2005. Besides that he holds Master degree in Law (LL.M) in Law and IT from Stockholm University (2008). In 2009, Ubena joined the Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI), Faculty of Law, Stockholm University where he taught ICT Law in the Master class in Law and IT parallel with pursuing doctoral studies in ICT Law. In March 2015 he successfully completed his doctoral thesis. Presently, Dr Ubena is teaching ICT Law and other law courses at the Faculty of Law, Mzumbe University, Tanzania. He is also coordinating the collaboration between the IRI and Faculty of Law, Mzumbe University. Dr Ubena is the member to Mzumbe University Faculty of Law’s Postgraduate Publication Committee, member to the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies Research and Publication Committee, and member of the editorial board of the Mzumbe University’s Uongozi Journal. He has organized seminars and presented papers on ICT Law related areas in local and international conferences. Furthermore, he has written dozens of book chapters and articles on ICT Law that have been published in peer reviewed journals. Finally, Dr Ubena has conducted consultancy assignments for government, business corporations, and NGOs.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Ubena John, ICT as a solution to delay of cases in the administration of justice in Tanzania, The Tanzania Lawyer Journal (JTLS), vol. 2, 2008, pp.116-130.

  2. Ubena John, IT Law: Why Tanzania Needs Electronic Communication Legislation, the Law Reformer Journal, the Journal of the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania, Vol.2 Number 2009, pp.17-26.

  1. Ubena John, IT Law: ICT and Lawyers’ Advertisement in Tanzania. ‘The Lawyer’, (2009) 1 JTLS, pp.95-107.

  1. Ubena John, Privacy-a forgotten right in Tanzania, Tanzania Lawyer, (2012)1/2JTLS, pp.72-114

  1. Ubena John, Automation of Law and Decision-making, Tanzania Lawyer, (2015)1/1 JTLS, pp.158-176.

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings

  1. Ubena John, (2012), E-documents & E-signatures in Tanzania: Their Role, Status, and the Future. In Bwalya, K., & Zulu, (eds), A handbook of Research on e-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks, Vol.1, Hershey, PA, USA, IGI, pp. 90-122.

  1. Ubena John, (2014), The Role of Legislative Techniques in ICT Regulation, InGreenstein, S. & Svantesson, D. (eds.),Internationalisation of law in Digital Information Society, Nordic Year Book of Law and Informatics 2010-2012, pp.371-379.

  1. Ubena, John, (2014), A Critique of Legal Framework Facilitating Access to Government Information in Tanzania. In P. Mothataesi Sebina, K. Moahi, & K. Bwalya (Eds.) Digital Access and E-Government: Perspectives from Developing and Emerging Countries (pp. 125-150). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5868-4.ch009

  1. Ubena, John, Legislative Techniques and ICT-wake of law keeping pace with technology. In Tala, J., & Pakarinen, A., (eds.,), (2010), Better Regulation-A Critical Assessment, Proceedings from the International Conference on Legislative Studies in Helsinki 2010, Hakapaino Oy, Helsinki, National Research Institute of Legal Policy.


Ubena John, How to Regulate Information and Communications Technology? A Jurisprudential Inquiry into Legislative and Regulatory Techniques, Jure AB, Stockholm, 2015 ISBN 978-91-7223-604-2


The Dean,

School of Business,
P.O.Box 6,
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